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Canvas Animation is a jQuery plugin that applies controllable, sequential animations to single or multiple elements using JavaScript and CSS styles.



jQuery Plugin - Canvas Animation

Demo page

Available at NPM

$ npm i jquery-canvas-animation

What's new in version 2


With JCA 2 comes a new written editor to your application. To enable this feature you have to editor: {enable: true} in your canvas configuration and add jquery.canvas-animation-editor.js or replace jquery.canvas-animation.js with jquery.canvas-animation.bundle.js in your application.

Draggable Items (Editor)

Draggable items is by default enabled. It works only with Editor and jQuery UI Draggable.

Icon Framework

It is now possible to use every icon framework like Fontawesome 5 for example.

CSS Namespace

All html classes and ids starts with jca-.

Bundle JS

The new file called jquery.canvas-animation.bundle.js includes jquery.canvas-animation.min.js and jquery.canvas-animation-editor.min.js

SCSS and LESS variables

Now you can configure your css output in SCSS and LESS.


HTML/CSS Ratios The Canvas have to be an id attribute.

<div id="canvas" class="jca-ratio-21by9">     <!-- ... --> </div>  <div id="canvas" class="jca-ratio-16by9">     <!-- ... --> </div>  <div id="canvas" class="jca-ratio-4by3">     <!-- ... --> </div>  <div id="canvas" class="jca-ratio-2by1">     <!-- ... --> </div>  <div id="canvas" class="jca-ratio-1by1">     <!-- ... --> </div>

JavaScript (jquery.canvas-animation.js)

$('#canvas').canvasAnimation({     steps: [         {             addClass: '',    // adds one or more classes to #canvas ('foo bar' adds 2 classes)             removeClass: '', // remove one or more classes from #canvas ('foo bar' removes 2 classes)             duration: 500,   // duration of this step (milliseconds, default: 500)             pause: false     // pause animation at this point (boolean, default: false)         }     ],     timeout: 0, // 0 = starts immediately the first step (milliseconds)     resetDuration: 500, // time it takes to reset all animations (milliseconds)     infinite: true, // if true: plays animation infinite     autoplay: true, // if true: plays animation instantly     controls: true, // if true: adds controls to canvas     editor: {         enable: false, // if true: show editor on page         wrapper: '.jca-editor-container' // editor wrapper class     },     useIcons: false, // use icons from an icon framework instead of css icons     icons: {         backward: '<i class="fas fa-step-backward"></i>',         play: '<i class="fas fa-play"></i>',         pause: '<i class="fas fa-pause"></i>',         stop: '<i class="fas fa-stop"></i>',         forward: '<i class="fas fa-step-forward"></i>',         expand: '<i class="fas fa-expand"></i>',         editor: '<i class="fas fa-edit"></i>'     },     controlsWrapper: '.jca-controls', // class of the controls wrapper     backwardButton: '.jca-backward', // class of step backward button     playButton: '.jca-play', // class of play button     pauseButton: '.jca-pause', // class of pause button     stopButton: '.jca-stop', // class of reset button     forwardButton: '.jca-forward', // class of step forward button     expandButton: '.jca-expand', // class of expand button     editorButton: '.jca-editor', // class of edit button     classDone: 'jca-done', // is set if the animation is done     classWait: 'jca-wait', // is set if autoplay : false and animation is never played or user clicked on reset button     classForward: 'jca-forward', // is set if user clicked forward     classBackward: 'jca-backward', // is set if user clicked backward     classWrap: 'jca-wrap',     controlsTemplate:         '<div class="jca-controls">' +             '<div class="jca-backward"></div>' +             '<div class="jca-play"></div>' +             '<div class="jca-pause"></div>' +             '<div class="jca-stop"></div>' +             '<div class="jca-forward"></div>' +             '<div class="jca-expand"></div>' +             '<div class="jca-editor"></div>' +         '</div>',     onPlay: null, // called before first animation step     onDone: null, // called after last animation step     onWait: null  // called if classWait was added });

JavaScript (jquery.canvas-animation-editor.js)

$('#canvas').canvasAnimationEditor({     enable: false, // if true: show editor on page     decimal: 2, // accuracy of numbers     draggableItems: true, // jQuery UI Draggable is required for this feature     wrapper: '.jca-editor-container', // editor wrapper class     labels: {         top: 'top',         left: 'left',         width: 'width',         height: 'height',         newItem: 'New: ',         newItemBlank: 'Blank',         newItemExt: 'Extended',         select: 'Select: ',         selectCss: 'CSS',         selectHtml: 'HTML',         remove: 'Remove: ',         removeItem: 'Item',         removeStyle: 'Style',         className: 'CSS class name',         parentWidth: 'Parent width in px',         parentHeight: 'Parent height in px',         itemWidth: 'Item width in px',         itemHeight: 'Item height in px',         itemTop: 'Item offset top in px',         itemLeft: 'Item offset left in px',         confirmAppendPrepend: 'OK = append item / Cancel = prepend item',         confirmRemoveItem: 'Are you sure to remove item?',         confirmRemoveStyle: 'Are you sure to remove style?',         alertCanvasId: 'Canvas needs attribute "id".'     },     template: '<div class="jca-editor-container">' +         '<div class="jca-container">' +             '<div class="jca-col jca-cord-dimension">' +                 '<div class="jca-box">' +                     '<div class="jca-label jca-top"></div>' +                     '<div class="jca-label jca-left"></div>' +                     '<div class="jca-label jca-width"></div>' +                     '<div class="jca-label jca-height"></div>' +                     '<input type="number" step="0.01" name="jca_top" />' +                     '<input type="number" step="0.01" name="jca_left" />' +                     '<input type="number" step="0.01" name="jca_width" />' +                     '<input type="number" step="0.01" name="jca_height" />' +                 '</div>' +             '</div>' +             '<div class="jca-col jca-selector-breadcrumb"></div>' +             '<div class="jca-col jca-code-col">' +                 '<div id="jca-html"></div>' +                 '<div id="jca-css"></div>' +             '</div>' +             '<div class="jca-col jca-button-col">' +                 '<span class="jca-new"></span><input type="button" name="jca_new_item" value=""/> <input type="button" name="jca_new_item_ext" value=""/><br/>' +                 '<span class="jca-select"></span><input type="button" name="jca_html" value=""/> <input type="button" name="jca_css" value=""/><br/>' +                 '<span class="jca-remove"></span><input type="button" name="jca_remove_item" value=""/> <input type="button" name="jca_remove_style" value=""/><br/><br/>' +                 '<span class="jca-width"></span> <span class="jca-width-val"></span> <span class="jca-height"></span> <span class="jca-height-val"></span><br/>' +                 '<span class="jca-top"></span> <span class="jca-top-val"></span> <span class="jca-left"></span> <span class="jca-left-val"></span>' +             '</div>' +         '</div>' +     '</div>' });


This software is in development. Could have bugs.

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