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jQuery confirmation plugin

Simple confirmation plugin for jQuery.

Demo is available here


To make the plugin work you need to include jQuery and styles from within ssd-confirm.css file as well as either minified or src version of the plugin.

<link href="./assets/css/ssd-confirm.css" rel="stylesheet">  <script src="./node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script> <script src="./src/jquery.ssd-confirm.js"></script>

You also need to add the following html towards the bottom of your page structure (all data attributes are configurable):

Confirmation dialog

<div data-ssd-confirm>      <div data-ssd-confirm-block="remove">          <p data-ssd-confirm-content></p>          <nav>              <span data-button-wrapper>                  <span                     class="small alert button"                     data-ssd-confirm-yes                     data-trigger                 >YES</span>                  <span                     class="small alert disabled button hide"                     data-processing                 ><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin fa-fw"></i></span>              </span>              <span class="small button" data-ssd-confirm-no>NO</span>          </nav>      </div>  </div>  <div data-ssd-confirm-overlay></div>

Example list of records

<table class="table-list">      <thead>         <tr>             <th>                 Name             </th>             <th class="col-1">                 <span                     class="small secondary disabled button"                 >                     <i class="fa fa-trash fa-fw"></i>                 </span>             </th>         </tr>     </thead>      <tbody>         <tr data-row>             <td>                 Remove row after confirming             </td>             <td>                 <span                     class="small button"                     data-ssd-confirm-trigger="remove"                     data-ssd-confirm-message="Are you sure you wish to remove this record?<br />There is no undo!"                     data-ssd-confirm-url="/remove.json"                     data-ssd-confirm-behaviour="removeRow"                 >                     <i class="fa fa-trash fa-fw"></i>                 </span>             </td>         </tr>         <tr data-row>             <td>                 Reload after confirming             </td>             <td>                 <span                     class="small button"                     data-ssd-confirm-trigger="remove"                     data-ssd-confirm-message="Are you sure you wish to remove this record?<br />There is no undo!"                     data-ssd-confirm-url="/remove.json"                     data-ssd-confirm-behaviour="reload"                 >                     <i class="fa fa-trash fa-fw"></i>                 </span>             </td>         </tr>         <tr data-row>             <td>                 Reload after confirming             </td>             <td>                 <span                     class="small button"                     data-ssd-confirm-trigger="remove"                     data-ssd-confirm-message="Are you sure you wish to remove this record?<br />There is no undo!"                     data-ssd-confirm-url="/remove.json"                     data-ssd-confirm-behaviour="reload"                 >                     <i class="fa fa-trash fa-fw"></i>                 </span>             </td>         </tr>     </tbody>  </table>

Considering the above, here's how the data attributes from the two code blocks are referring to each other

  • data-ssd-confirm-trigger: Associated value (in this case remove) corresponds to the data-ssd-confirm-block. You can have number of different purpose blocks.
  • data-ssd-confirm-message: Message that will be injected into the data-ssd-confirm-content.
  • data-ssd-confirm-url: End point to be called when the Yes button within the confirmation dialog is triggered.
  • data-ssd-confirm-behaviour: Method that will be executed after successful call.

Instantiating plugin

Call plugin on the instance of the trigger you wish to apply it to.



dataType: 'ssd-confirm-trigger',            // trigger 'data-*' attribute - corresponds to the 'dataConfirmBlock'. dataMessage: 'ssd-confirm-message',         // trigger 'data-*' attribute - corresponds to the 'dataConfirmContent'. dataUrl: 'ssd-confirm-url',                 // trigger 'data-*' attribute that stores the url / uri to be called when 'Yes' button is triggered. dataBehaviour: 'ssd-confirm-behaviour',     // trigger 'data-*' attribute that indicates what method should be executed after successful call.  dataConfirmWrapper: 'ssd-confirm',          // dialog wrapper 'data-*' attribute. dataConfirmBlock: 'ssd-confirm-block',      // dialog block type 'data-*' attribute - corresponds to 'dataType'. dataConfirmContent: 'ssd-confirm-content',  // dialog content 'data-*' attribute - corresponds to 'dataMessage'.  dataButtonWrapper: 'button-wrapper',        // dialog button wrapper 'data-*' attribute - used when you want to show 'pending' button when ajax call is being made. dataButtonTrigger: 'trigger',               // dialog trigger 'data-*' attribute - to be used with 'Yes' button. dataButtonProcessing: 'processing',         // dialog processing 'data-*' attribute - to be used with button that swaps 'Yes' button when ajax call is being made.  dataButtonYes: 'ssd-confirm-yes',           // dialog 'yes' button 'data-*' attribute. dataButtonNo: 'ssd-confirm-no',             // dialog 'no' button 'data-*' attribute.  dataRecordWrapper: 'row',                   // list record wrapper 'data-*' attribute.  dataOverlay: 'ssd-confirm-overlay',         // overlay 'data-*' attribute.  classActive: 'active',                      // dialog css class used to reveal the confirmation dialog (by default it slides it down). classShow: 'show',                          // dialog / overlay css class to reveal given block of the confirmation dialog and overlay. classHide: 'hide',                          // dialog css class to hide 'yes' / 'processing' buttons.  extendBlocks: {},                           // object that can extend blocks (currently only 'remove'). extendBehaviours: {}                        // object that can extend behaviours (currently only 'reload' and 'removeRow').  actionProperties: function(trigger, properties) { return properties; } // allows you to modify properties before the call is made. 


Currently there are only 2 behaviours, but you can add more by adding them to the extendBehaviours option.

reload: Reloads page. removeRow: Removes the container of the record. This option requires `dataRecordWrapper` to be applied to the container of your record (default `data-row`), which should contain the trigger button. 

Example of removeRow:

<tr data-row>     <td>         Record name     </td>     <td>         <span             class="small button"             data-ssd-confirm-trigger="remove"             data-ssd-confirm-message="Are you sure you wish to remove this record?<br />There is no undo!"             data-ssd-confirm-url="/remove.json"             data-ssd-confirm-behaviour="removeRow"         >             <i class="fa fa-trash fa-fw"></i>         </span>     </td> </tr>

Behaviour methods take 3 arguments:

* data:               // data returned from ajax call * trigger:            // instance of the 'yes' button * properties:         // object containing:      * url:            // url / uri to be called     * behaviour:      // behaviour name     * originator:     // instance of the button that triggered the dialog     * processing:     // instance of the 'processing' button if exists - otherwise 'null' 

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