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The jsGallery jQuery plugin helps you generate a responsive gallery to manage and present a collections of photos with albums support.




jQuery plugin to provide a simple responsive gallery. Support for albums and image lazyload.




jsGallery will only read data-attributes. So you can use it with your existing carousel/gallery plugins.

<div id="jsGallery" data-title="Galley title here">     ...      <span data-album-name="Album - 1" data-src="01.jpg " data-thumbnail="thumb1.jpg"></span>      <span data-album-name="Album - 1" data-src="02.jpg"></span>      <span data-album-name="Second Album" data-src="P.jpg"></span>      <span data-album-name="Second Album" data-src="Q.jpg"></span>      ... </div>    

now in script tag

$('#jsGallery').jsGallery();  // or $('#jsGallery').jsGallery({     ...     showAlbums: true,     connectAlbums: true,     ... });


Options Description
showAlbums Whether to show the albums' name or not
connectAlbums Jump to next/prev album when reach last/first item of the album
zIndex z-index of the generated jsGallery element
galleryParent element in which generated element is appended
galleryTitleAttr name of data-attr from which gallery title is read
albumNameAttr name of data-attr from which name of each album is read
imageLinkAttr name of data-attr from which each image's url is read


You can use methods like this

// jsGallery initialization var gal = $('#jsGallery').jsGallery(); gal.jsGallery('<method name>', <param-1>, <param-2>, ...);  // for example gal.jsGallery('show', 'Earth Stuff', 2); 
Method name Parameter(s) Description
show albumName (optional), imageIndex (optional) Shows jsGallery with given album and image opened
hide none Hide jsGallery
showNext none Show next image
showPrev none Show previous image
selectAlbum albumName, callback (optional) Opens given album and then executes given callback function
destroy none remove generated jsGallery element

Local Testing

$ ./server.sh # to run a local server

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