timezone-picker is the plugin to select and get timezone value of selected area(country) from WorldMap.
Live Demo: http://kevalbhatt.github.io/timezone-picker/
- moment-timezone
- jquery
- select2 (optional)
Use package Using npm
npm install --save timezone-picker
Use package Using CDN
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/timezone-picker@2.0.0-1/dist/timezone-picker.min.js"></script>
Include the following lines of code in the section of your HTML.
<link href="[yourpath]/select2.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- Optional --> <link href="[yourpath]/dist/styles/timezone-picker.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script type="text/javascript" src="[yourpath]/moment-timezone.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="[yourpath]/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="[yourpath]/select2"></script> <!-- Optional --> <script type="text/javascript" src="[yourpath]/dist/timezone-picker.min.js"></script>
Select any dom element where you want to create the map.
Set a custom value on load
If defaultValue is null then system timezone is selected
Select value based on zonename.
$(selector).timezonePicker({ defaultValue: { value: "EAT", attribute: "zonename" }});
Select value based on country code.
$(selector).timezonePicker({ defaultValue: { value: "IN", attribute: "country" }});
Select value based on timezone.
$(selector).timezonePicker({ defaultValue: { value: "Asia/Calcutta", attribute: "timezone" }});
Select value based on offset.
$(selector).timezonePicker({ defaultValue: { value: "5.5", attribute: "offset" }});
You can create custom shortcuts link using quickLink options.
$(selector).timezonePicker({ quickLink: [{ "IST": "IST", "LONDON": "Europe/London" }] });
- "LONDON": This key is used as a display string for shortcut button.
- "Europe/London": This value is used when user click on a button and based on value, map is highlighted
You can pass following value.
- timezone : Europe/London
- zonename : GMT
- country code : GB
$(selector).timezonePicker({ quickLink: [{ "LONDON1": "Europe/London" }] }); $(selector).timezonePicker({ quickLink: [{ "LONDON2": "GB" }] }); $(selector).timezonePicker({ quickLink: [{ "LONDON3": "GMT" }] }); $(selector).timezonePicker({ quickLink: [{ "GMT": "GMT" }] });
$(selector).timezonePicker({ hoverText: function(e, data){ return (data.timezone + " (" + data.zonename + ")"); } });
Class name for the quickLink container.
$(selector).timezonePicker({ quickLinkClass: "quick-class" });
<div class="filter-box"> <select class="country-lov select-class"></select> + <div class="quick-link quick-class"></div> <div class="hover-text"></div> </div>
Class name for the country drop-down.
$('body').timezonePicker({ selectClass: "select-class" });
<div class="filter-box"> + <select class="country-lov select-class"></select> <div class="quick-link"></div> <div class="hover-text"></div> </div>
Class name for the filter box container.
$('body').timezonePicker({ filterBoxClass: "filter-class" });
+<div class="filter-box filter-class"> <select class="country-lov"></select> <div class="quick-link"></div> <div class="hover-text"></div> </div>
Class name for the hover text container.
$('body').timezonePicker({ hoverTextClass: "hover-class" });
<div class="filter-box"> <select class="country-lov"></select> <div class="quick-link"></div> + <div class="hover-text hover-class"></div> </div>
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
width | Number | 500 | width of map |
height | Number | 250 | height of map |
defaultValue | Object | System timezone | Set custome value on load { value: "EAT", attribute: "zonename" } |
quickLink | Array<Object> | [{"IST": "IST","LONDON": "Europe/London"}] | Creates shortcuts to select zone |
quickLinkClass | String | quick-link | quickLinkClass will be appended with the default value |
filterBoxClass | String | filter-box | filterBoxClass will be appended with the default value |
selectBox | Boolean | true | If it is set to false select box will not be created |
selectClass | String | country-lov | selectClass is appended with the default value |
showHoverText | Boolean | true | If it is set to false hover text will not be shown |
hoverText | Function | timezone(zonename) | Called on hover of country (works only if showHoverText is true) |
hoverTextClass | String | hover-text | hoverTextClass is appended with the default value |
hoverTextEl | Jquery selector | Appened in filter-box | hover text element is appended in selector |
mapHoverType | String | hover polygon(area) | by default it will show hovered polygon(area) on which mouse is pointed other hover options |
mapHoverType options
Parameter | Type | Description |
timezone | String | when you hover on the map it will highlight all country with the same timezone |
country | String | when you hover on the map it will highlight all country with same country code |
zonename | String | when you hover on the map it will highlight all country with the same zone name |
Select the value(country) based on value and attribute parameter.
- Set timezone string as a first parameter for example: 'Asia/Kolkata'.
- Default attribute is "timezone";
- If you want to set value based on offset then set the 1st parameter as an offset string("5.5") and 2nd parameter to 'offset'
- If you want to set value based country code then set the 1st parameter as country code and 2nd parameter to 'country'
- If you want to set value based zonename then set the 1st parameter as zonename(IST) and 2nd parameter to 'zonename'
It returns object containing timezone details of seleted area:
Sample returned Object
[ { "selected":true, "zonename":"IST", "offset":5.5, "pin":"361,115", "country":"LK", "timezone": "Asia/Colombo", }, { "zonename":"IST", "offset":5.5, "pin": "373,94", "country":"IN", "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata", } ]
It returns an object containing system timezone details.
It returns an object containing timezone details based on value and attribute.
- Get timezone
using timezone string example: 'Asia/Kolkata'. - Default attribute is "timezone";
- If you want to get Object based on offset then set the 1st parameter as an offset string("5.5") and 2nd parameter to 'offset'
- If you want to get Object based country code then set the 1st parameter as country code and 2nd parameter to 'country'
- If you want to get Object based zonename then set the 1st parameter as zonename(IST) and 2nd parameter to 'zonename'
It returns an zonename based on value and attribute.
- Get zonename
using timezone string example: 'Asia/Kolkata'. - Default attribute is "timezone";
- If you want to get zonename based on offset then set the 1st parameter as an offset string("5.5") and 2nd parameter to 'offset'
- If you want to get zonename based country code then set the 1st parameter as country code and 2nd parameter to 'country'
It returns an timezone string based on value and attribute.
- Get timezone
using country code example: 'IN'. - Default attribute is "country";
- If you want to get timezone string based on offset then set the 1st parameter as an offset string("5.5") and 2nd parameter to 'offset'
- If you want to get timezone string based zonename then set the 1st parameter as zonename(IST) and 2nd parameter to 'zonename'
As soon as the map is loaded and ready the map:loaded is fired. To catch it you can use:
$(selector).on("map:loaded" , function(){ console.log("Map is loaded, have fun!"); });
Whenever the value of the timezone changes, the event map:value:changed is fired. To catch it you can use:
$(selector).on("map:clicked" , function(){ console.log($(selector).data('timezonePicker').getValue()); });
Event map:country:clicked is fired, when a user clicks on the country. To catch it you can use:
$(selector).on("map:country:clicked" , function(){ console.log($(selector).data('timezonePicker').getValue()); });
Event map:quickLink:clicked is fired, when a user clicks on the quickLink button. To catch it you can use:
$(selector).on("map:quickLink:clicked" , function(){ console.log($(selector).data('timezonePicker').getValue()); });
Event map:option:changed is fired, when a user changes the value from the country drop-down. To catch it you can use:
$(selector).on("map:option:changed" , function(){ console.log($(selector).data('timezonePicker').getValue()); });
It is available under the MIT LICENSE