Pen built using just CSS and SVG's, no JS needed.
See the Pen by nikkipantony (@nikkipantony) on CodePen.
Smooth Radio & Checkbox Inputs
Topcoat Radio Buttons
Custom checkbox, radio button w/ css
Accordion with CSS3 & HTML5 only (use of radio-button)
Accessible, pretty radio controls
Single element fancy radios and checkboxes
Radio checked style
Three state radio button
Radio buttons + Font-Awesome + pure css
Custom checkboxes & radio buttons with focus support
CSS only Select
Don't Listen To The Radio
Pure CSS radio and checkbox inputs
Custom Radio Buttons
Bootstrap: Collapse panel with radio buttons
Tabs with CSS3 & HTML5 only
Radio Inputs & Accordions
Bootstrap 3 Contact form with Validation
Custom checkbox and radio button that really works v2
Strikethrough Radios
On/Off CSS Radio Switches
CSS image slider w/ next/prev btns & nav dots
Radio Button List
Flat Radio - Yes/No
Radio Inputs & Accordions 2
Radio & Checkbox
React Radio Button / Pads
Liquid Radio Button using SVG and GSAP (GreenSock)
Radio Button Big Square [Just CSS]
Pure CSS Radio Buttons Pseudo Checked Cards
Css Radio Button Inspiration
Flexbox playground
Checkbox / radio animation
Custom Checkboxes and Radio Buttons
material ui - radio button
Radio Selects: Flexbox and Fun
AngularJS, showing and hiding content using radio buttons
Underground radios
Snacks? Flat radio button inputs...
Animated SVG radio buttons
Pure CSS Checkbox and Radio
Radio Widget without Javascript
CodePen Radio!!
Input Radio
Radio Button Input Scale
Input & Radio-button
Scifi-style Radio-based Tab
Responstable 2.0: a responsive table solution
Checkbox Form validation using jQuery Validate plugin
CSS Radio Buttons and Checkboxes: Solid
Styling radio buttons
Spotify Artist Radio Thumbnails
Material Inspired Checkboxes and Radio Groups
CSS 3D Solar System
Form fields with material design and video background, in pure CSS
Simple Radio Group
2 elements 1 styled radio
Pure CSS - SVG Radio Selector Buttons
Replacing Radio Buttons
Radio Buttons
CSS "Ripple/Wave" checkbox and radio button
Accessible Inline Radio Inputs
Pure SCSS Radio Buttons
Smiley Rating System (Custom Radio Buttons CSS)
Flat UI Checkbox & radio buttons
CSS3 Checkbox Styles
Radio Group using labels
Inline Radio Buttons