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zoom-image.js is a jQuery product gallery plugin for online stores that enable the customers to switch between product images and display the large version of the image with a magnifying glass effect on hover.

product-viewer image-zoom


基于 jQuery 的图片放大镜


$('.show').zoomImage({     layerW: 200, // 遮罩宽度     layerH: 200, // 遮罩高度     layerOpacity: 0.5, // 遮罩透明度     layerBgc: '#000', // 遮罩背景颜色     showPanelW: 500, // 显示放大区域宽     showPanelH: 500, // 显示放大区域高     marginL: 20, // 放大区域离缩略图右侧距离     marginT: 0 // 放大区域离缩略图上侧距离 });


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