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A jQuery plugin for image info box slider.You have some images in a div which class is ‘albums’, and each image has parent which class =’thumb …’ and has a .info div to contain infomation about image.




A jQuery plugin for image info box slider



  1. You have some images in a div which class is 'albums', and each image has parent which class ='thumb ...' and has a .info div to contain infomation about image.
  <script src='jquery.js'></script>   <script src='pintro.js'></script>    <div class="albums">     <div class="thumb img-thumbnail">       <img title='yooo' src="http://i.imgur.com/xgSNUo2.jpg">       <div class='info'>discripttion of this image</div>     </div>      <div class="thumb img-thumbnail">       <img title='2' src="http://i.imgur.com/ry8JYhCs.jpg">       <div class='info'>455</div>     </div>          <div class="thumb img-thumbnail">       <img title='3' src="http://i.imgur.com/ztm9G37s.jpg">       <div class='info'>789</div>     </div>       ...   </div> 
  1. all done dog0
  1. If you want to custom the class, ex: change .album to .log, and .thumb to .photo
<div class="log">     <div class="photo">       <img title='3' src="http://i.imgur.com/ztm9G37s.jpg">       <div class='meta'>789</div>     </div>     ...     ... 

just set the selector , imgClass and imgInfoClass options

    $('.log').pintro({         imgClass: '.photo',         imgInfoClass: '.meta'     }); 

##Let's look some examples ![dog1] (http://i.imgur.com/1EJFMdtl.png)

$('.albums').pintro({   duration: 1000,   infocss:{    'background-color': 'orange',    color: 'black'   } });  

![dog2] (http://i.imgur.com/OrYdCV0l.png)

  $('.albums').pintro({     infocss:   {         width: '30%',         height: '100%',         color: 'yellow',         left: null,         right: '0',         opacity:0.8        }   });  


default main settings:

imgGroup: $(this),          //main selector ex: $('selector').pintro({}); imgClass: '.thumb',         //el.class that contain image. imgInfoClass: '.info',      //el.class that contain image info. duration : 'fast'           //slide speed , it can use number ex: 1000. 

custom main selector and class

    $('memo').pintro({         imgClass: '.pic',               //<div class='.pic'> ...         imgInfoClass: '.description',   //<div class='.description'><img src='xxx'>... ... </div>         duration : '3000'               //take 3 seconds  to finish slide animation     }); 

default '.thumb' css:

float: left; margin: 10px 5px; position: relative;  

custom '.thumb' css

	$('albums').pintro({ 		... 		thumbcss: { 			float: 'left',   			margin: 10px 10px,   			position: relative;  		} 		... 	}); 

'.info' default css:

position: absolute; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; padding: 10px 10px; line-height: 1.2; background-color: #007AB3; text-align: left; color: #91BBD0; font-size: 12px; display: none; 

custom '.info' css

    $('albums').pintro({         ...         infocss: {  // put your css settings inside infocss object             'background-color': orange,             'color': black,             'opaticy': 0.8             ...         }     }); 

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