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A minimal jQuery plugin for calculating the read time for the words and images and displaying an estimated time on your web page.




Read time is based on the average reading speed of an adult (roughly 275 WPM). We take the total word count of a post and translate it into minutes. Then, we add 12 seconds for each inline image. Boom, read time.

— Read Time and You





$('article').readtime({     class:   'time-to-read',     format:  'This will take you # minutes to read',     wrapper: 'div' });


There’s some room for improvement with the format of the time. Couple of thoughts would be to allow it to be configured to return the time as a decimal or even a fraction. Also could stand to put together some unit tests. Fork and improve as you see fit. Pull requests are welcome but please conform to the project’s existing coding style.


Lovingly built one Saturday morning by Josh Sherman. You can return the love by starring this project and/or tipping: Gittip

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