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Centify is a simple jQuery plugin used to manipulate the vertical and horizontal alignment of text or DOM elements inside a given container.

alignment centering




Centify is a Jquery library for easy UI(DOM) alignment. Align left? Align center? We handle all alignments for you!😸👏

Quick Start

  1. Import Jquery in your HTML
  2. Import "centify.js" in your HTML
<script src="centify.js"></script> 
  1. Initialize centify (Center everything):
$(function(){   $("#YourElementToAlign").centify(); }); 
  1. Define your alignment criteria:
$("#YourElementToAlign).centify({   align_element_x:"right" }); 
  1. All applications of the library can be referred to demo.html



Parameters Usages Default Values
align_element_x Align the DOM horizontally center left,right,center
align_element_y Align the DOM vertically center top,center,bottom
align_text_x Align the text horizontally center left,right,center
align_text_y Align the text vertically center top,center,bottom

Multiple alignment:

Multiple selectors can share the same alignment rules

$("#YourElementToAlign,#YourElementToAlign2).centify({   align_element_x:"right",   align_element_y:"top", }); 

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