To call a JSRadial element, create a <div> element with the class radial VARIABLENAME, where VARIABLENAME is any name. You will need this variable to update the value.
The value element is the amount the radial will display initially. Use a number from 0-100 here.
The size element holds the size of the entire relement, in pixels.
The font-size element holds the size of the font, in em.
The colorbg element holds the color of the inner circle. You can use hex, HTML color, or rgba color codes.
The colorfg element holds the color of the outer part of the circle. You can use hex, HTML color, or rgba color codes.
The radius elements holds the size of the inner circle. A lower element will show more of the outer circle and vice-versa.
The suffix element holds the text that displays after the number. You can put any string in here.
The text element holds the text to display in the middle of the radial. If this doesn't exist, then the value will be used.