Hash Tabs ![Build Status]()
URL-sensitive and hash-friendly tab plugin for jQuery
Getting Started
Download the production version or the development version.
First, install the package using bower:
bower install hash-tabs --save
Then, in your web page:
<script src="/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="/bower_components/hash-tabs/dist/jquery.hash-tabs.min.js"></script> <script> jQuery(function($) { $(".myTabContainer").hashTabs(); // "create hash tabs off of all elements with class myTabContainer" }); </script>
- Hash-friendly URLs, so your states are saved. Try refreshing!
- Compatible with IE8 and up
- Customizable and configurable. Use custom selectors for your tabs. Default uses
elements noscript
-friendly. Works very will in non-javascript browsers. When tabs can't be loaded, content feels like normal, as hashes are supported natively by the browser.- Customizable SASS styles, ready to go with my sass boilerplate
- Bootstrap-free! But you can still use bootstrap if you really want to
Documentation is generated using codoc. Please refer to the API docs.
Option | Default | Description |
tabPanelSelector | "section" | jQuery selector for individual tab panes (or tab content) |
tabNavSelector | "nav" | jQuery selector for main navigation element, with tab buttons or links |
tabButtonSelector | "a" | jQuery selector for anchor tags or links contained within the main navigation element |
initialTabIndex | 0 | initial tab's index to show when the tabs are initialized |
initialTabId | null | initial tab's id or hash to show when tabs are initialized |
tabContainerClass | "hash-tabs" | class to append to initialized hash tabs |
keyboard | true | Enable keyboard navigation using arrow keys |
smoothScroll | false | Enable smooth scrolling to top of tabs when a tab is selected |
history | true | Enable HTML5 history api, to navigate backwards/forwards amongst selected tabs |
debug | false | Enable logging statements to diagnose any problems |
Declare options in an object literal like so:
jQuery(document).ready(function() { var $tabs = $(".tab-container").hashTabs({ debug: true, keyboard: true // other options here }); });
Trigger A Given Tab
(AKA trigger tab by id
$(".myTabs").hashTabs("triggerTab", "chocolates") // triggers tab with id #chocolates
Trigger A Given Tab by Index
$(".myTabs").hashTabs("triggerTabByIndex", 1) // triggers second tab (with index 1) in tab set
Trigger Next Tab (to Right)
$(".myTabs").hashTabs("selectNext") // triggers right-most tab to current tab
Trigger Previous Tab (to Left)
$(".myTabs").hashTabs("selectPrevious") // triggers left-most tab to current tab
NOTE: tabs will cycle in a clockwise direction. For example, if you are on the last tab to the right, selecting next will fold back over to the first tab (0) to the left
First, make sure to install all bower dependencies:
bower install
Next, install node dependencies:
npm install
Currently, I am using the built-in grunt settings which ship with the yeoman generator I used.
Unit Tests
Unit tests are written using qunit. A js test driver configuration is also included for in-IDE testing (can use PHPStorm), but tests can also be run from the test/hash-tabs.html