A card is a piece of paper with unique related data that serves as an entry point to more detailed information. For example, a card could contain a photo, text, and a link about a single subject.
See the Pen by jpryan22 (@jpryan22) on CodePen.
Material Design Card Example
Material Design Card
Table Card
Material Deck Card Animation
Material Design Cards
Material Design Card Styles
Material Article Preview Card
Ionic - Material Design - Cards - Newsfeed
Material Design Card Animation
Material-Design-Cards with truncating labels and fixed elements
Material Design Ripple effect
Feature Discovery in Material Design Card
Material Design Album Card (w/ stars to rate content)
Material Design Cards - Hover State
Material design card
Bootstrap Card Template
Material Design Card with Embedded Video and Animated Share Button
Material Design - Card
Angular Material Card Modal Directive
material design Cards by google
Google Material Design Cards
Material Design Card Hover
Material Design Card Component
Material Design Card (Simple)
Angular material design card directive