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Allows you to accurately obtain an element’s em value in pixels using JavaScript. No more blindly dividing by hard-coded values.

Core Java Script Web



Allows you to accurately obtain an element’s em value in pixels using JavaScript. No more blindly dividing by hard-coded values.

Demo: http://www.matanich.com/examples/get-em-pixels/

Article: http://www.matanich.com/2013/06/24/em-values-javascript/

The basics

GetEmPixels is simple to use and has only one function.

// Get the em or rem value of the documentElement getEmPixels();  // Get the em value of the #footer element getEmPixels(document.getElementById('footer'));

Size and delivery

Currently, getEmPixels.js compresses to around 481 bytes (~0.47 KB) after minify. To minify, you might try these online tools: [Microsoft Ajax Minifier]:(http://ajaxmin.codeplex.com/), [Uglify]:(http://marijnhaverbeke.nl/uglifyjs), [Yahoo Compressor]:(http://refresh-sf.com/yui/), or Closure Compiler.


GetEmPixels supports a broad range of browsers and devices (there are currently no known unsupported browsers).

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