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FLY is an extensible jQuery dropdown/popover/tooltip plugin.




Popover/dropdown/tooltip/popup/whateveryouwant library.
Requires jQuery 1.4+. Works for modern browsers and IE8+.
Contains _base component you can inherit from, ready to use dropdown and tooltip components, mixins, jQuery plugin and some css styling.

See Examples.


Is an abstract class you can extend to build your own popover type. You can find it at fly._base


Creates new class, based on context's class:

var titletip = fly.tooltip.extend({     defaults: {         content: function() {             return this.handle().attr('title');         }     } });


Creates an instance of class with a given options:

$('.js-titletip').each(function() {     titletip.create(this, {position: $(this).data('position')); });

delegate(selector, options)

Delegates class on selector, creates instance with options on every first event from actions

fly.tooltip     .extend({})     .delegate('.js-live-tooltip', { content: 'live' }) ;


Objects with defaults options:

{   baseClass: '...',     // class to be added to created root   hideClass: '...',     // class to be added on .hide() and removed on .show()   extraClass: '...',    // any additional classes    content: '',          // defines how to get content for the popover   redrawOnShow: true,   // recalculate content on every/first show event   register$: 'titletip' // will register titletip as jQuery plugin } 


Defines rules to get popover's content, can be:

  • string, so root will be filled with this string
  • function() { return '...'; } sync function, root will be filled with the returned value
  • function(done) { ... done(result); } async function, root will be filled with the result of done, when it will be ready.
// static string {     content: '<h1>Contacts</h1><a href="tel://0000">0000</a>' } // sync function {     content: function() {         return this.handle().attr('data-title');     } } // async function {     content: function(done) {         $.get('/api/list', function(html) {             done(html);         });     } }


Shows popover and triggers appropriate events. If content passed it will be shown, otherwise options.content will be called to calculate content.


Hides/toggles popover


Returns true if popover is visible and false otherwise


Lazy root initiation, will return the root and ensure it was created and appropriate evens triggered. By default it creates root on first show()


jQuery object, representing handle which should trigger popover's show/hide actions.


Event namespace, unique for every instance, use it to add global events and easily detach them.


Will be called during instance creation, you can bind your events or whatever you want


Will be called during popover destroying, you can clean it up if you added something special


Just a jQuery eventing method attached to each instance, so each instance can be an event emitter.


  • show on popover show
  • hide on popover hide
  • rootready on root element created (first root() call)

You can use it as:

var popoverus = fly._base.extend({   init: function() {     this.on(this.EVENTS.ROOTREADY, function() {       // bind something on root     })   } }); 


Extends defaults with

 {     baseClass: 'fly-dropdown',     hideClass: 'fly-dropdown_hidden',     extraClass: '',      position: 'bottom center', // where to open dropdown and where to show tail     arrowSize: 10       // offset between dropdown and handle } 

Adds handle's action, which trigger dropdown on handle click and closes on click outside dropdown and ESC


Extends defaults with

{   baseClass: 'fly-tooltip',   hideClass: 'fly-tooltip_hidden',   extraClass: '',    position: 'bottom center', // where to open tooltip and where to show tail   arrowSize: 10       // offset between tooltip and handle } 

Adds handle's action, which show tooltip on handle's mouseenter with 300ms delay and hides it on mouseleave



Returns offsets and dimensions of the $el (top/left/right/bottom/width/height)


Calculates popover position relative to handle according to options.position

jQuery plugin

For every non-base component in fly.* (tooltip, dropdown) creates $.fn function, which accepts options or command, you can use it as:

$('.js-handle').dropdown({content: 'dropdown'}); $('.js-handle').dropdown('instance').hidden(); $('.js-handle').dropdown('destroy'); 


You can register your fly class as a jQuery plugin:

fly.register$('titletip', titletip); // then $('.js-titletip').titletip({position: $(this).data('position');

Global functions


Hides all current instances of fly.

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