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EmojiOne Area is a small jQuery plugin that allows you to transform any html element into simple WYSIWYG editor with ability to use Emojione icons.




EmojioneArea is a small jQuery plugin that allows you to transform any html element into simple WYSIWYG editor with ability to use Emojione icons.
The end result is a secure text/plain in which the image icons will be replaced with their Unicode analogues.

Preview version 3.x

EmojioneArea version 3.0.0

See the Live Demo here

Version 2.x


The preferred way to install is via bower, npm or composer.

bower install emojionearea#^3.0.0 # or npm install emojionearea@^3.0.0 # or composer require mervick/emojionearea ^3.0.0


Add the following lines to the head:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="file/to/path/css/emojionearea.min.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="file/to/path/js/emojionearea.min.js"></script>

Simple usage:

<textarea id="example1"></textarea> <script type="text/javascript">   $(document).ready(function() {     $("#example1").emojioneArea();   }); </script>

EmojioneArea uses awesome Emojione emojis.
So when emojionearea.js loads, it's require to emojione.js loaded too, but if it not loaded in the page then EmojioneArea loads it from CDN.
For avoiding this behavior you can add emojione.js and emojione.css into your page.

Customize emojione version

By changing value below you can change emojione version which will be loaded from CDN

window.emojioneVersion = "3.1.2";



Standalone mode

type: boolean
default: false


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     standalone: true });


EmojiOneArea - Standalone mode


The placeholder (default emoji) of the button in the standalone mode.
Works only with standalone mode

type: string
default: ':smiley:'
accepts values: [any emojione shortname]


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     emojiPlaceholder: ":smile_cat:" });


The placeholder of the editor

type: string
default: [uses placeholder attribute from the source input]


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     placeholder: "Type something here" });


Whether is enabled search emojis in the picker

type: boolean
default: true


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     search: false });


The search placeholder

type: string
default: 'SEARCH'


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     searchPlaceholder: "Search" });


Whether to use the loading mechanism to load EmojiOne from CDN

type: boolean
default: true


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     useInternalCDN: true });


The title of the emoji button (hint on the hover)

type: string
default: "Use the TAB key to insert emoji faster"


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     buttonTitle: "Use the TAB key to insert emoji faster" });


Whether to show recently selected emojis in the picker

type: boolean
default: true


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     recentEmojis: false });


The position of the emojis picker in the relation to the editor

type: string
default: 'top'
accepts values: 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom'


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     pickerPosition: "bottom" });


The position of the filters header in the emojis picker

type: string
default: 'top'
accepts values: 'top' | 'bottom'


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     filtersPosition: "bottom" });

EmojiOneArea - searchPosition bottom


The search panel position if search option enabled

type string
default: top
accepts: 'top' | 'bottom'


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     searchPosition: "bottom" });

EmojiOneArea - searchPosition bottom


Whether to hide picker when blur event triggers

type: boolean
default: true


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     hidePickerOnBlur: false });


The container of the plugin.

By default, emojionearea container created directly under the source.
In this option you can specify custom jQuery|selector container.

type: jQuery|selector
default: null


<input type="text" id="emojionearea1" /> <input type="text" id="emojionearea2" /> <!-- ... --> <div id="container1"></div> <!-- #emojionearea2 plugin will use this container --> <div id="container2"></div> <!-- #emojionearea1 plugin will use this container --> <script>     $("#emojionearea1").emojioneArea({         container: "#container2" // by selector     });     $("#emojionearea2").emojioneArea({         container: $("#container1") // by jQuery object     }); </script>


Whether to show the skin tone buttons in the emoji picker

type: boolean
default: true


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     tones: false });


The style of the skin tones selector

type: string
default: 'bullet'
accepts values: 'bullet' | 'radio' | 'square' | 'checkbox'


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     tonesStyle: 'checkbox' });


By default EmojioneArea parses only utf8 emojis (e.g. 😀😊😍🤑😜🤓) from the value of the input source.
This option enables to parse also the shortnames (e.g. :smile:, :smiley:, :cat:, etc).
Also affects the work of the method setText().

Note. Affects only to how it parse emojis.
To change how it saves emojis use saveEmojisAs option (see below).

type: boolean
default: false


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     shortnames: true });


The processor type of the how emojionearea saves icons to the source, also affects on the method getText()

type: string
default: 'unicode'
accepts values: 'unicode' | 'shortname' | 'image'

  • unicode - saves emojis as utf8 text (e.g. 😀😊😍🤑😜🤓);
  • shortname - save emojis as shortnames (e.g. :smile:, :smiley:, :cat:, etc);
  • image - save emojis as html images, example:
<img alt="😀" class="emojioneemoji" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/emojione/2.2.7/assets/png/1f600.png">


Whether to hide source input after render the plugin

type: boolean
default: true


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     hideSource: false });


Inline mode
Whether to use plugin editor as inline input

type: boolean|null
default: null
accepts values: null | true | false

  • null - auto detect, if input is textarea then false, when it is input[type=text] then true


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     inline: true });


EmojioneArea - inline mode


Whether to attach shortcuts events

type: boolean
default: true


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     shortcuts: false });


Whether to add the emojis short names autocomplete functional

type: boolean
default: true


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     autocomplete: false });


Whether to show skin emojis in the autocomplete dropdown

type: boolean
default: false


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     autocompleteTones: true });


The settings of the autocomplete dropdown

type: object

{     maxCount  : 15,     placement : null }


  • maxCount - max count of items in the dropdown
  • placement - the placement of the dropdown (null | "top" | "absleft" | "absright")


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     textcomplete: {         maxCount  : 20,         placement : 'absleft'     } });


The html attributes of the editor (contenteditable) of the plugin

type: object

{     dir            : "ltr",     spellcheck     : false,     autocomplete   : "off",     autocorrect    : "off",     autocapitalize : "off", }



$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     attributes: {         spellcheck : true,         autocomplete   : "on",     } });


The filters (tabs) in the emojis picker

type: object
default: [the full default filters you can find here here]

{     tones: { // this tab is hidden, and used for list tones emojis         title: "Diversity",         emoji: "[...]", // list of the emojis, see source code     },     recent: {         icon: "clock3",         title: "Recent",     },     smileys_people: {         icon: "yum",         title: "Smileys & People",         emoji: "[...]", // list of the emojis, see source code     },     animals_nature: {         icon: "hamster",         title: "Animals & Nature",         emoji: "[...]", // list of the emojis, see source code     },     food_drink: {         icon: "pizza",         title: "Food & Drink",         emoji: "[...]", // list of the emojis, see source code     },     activity: {         icon: "basketball",         title: "Activity",         emoji: "[...]", // list of the emojis, see source code     },     travel_places: {         icon: "rocket",         title: "Travel & Places",         emoji: "[...]", // list of the emojis, see source code     },     objects: {         icon: "bulb",         title: "Objects",         emoji: "[...]", // list of the emojis, see source code     },     symbols: {         icon: "heartpulse",         title: "Symbols",         emoji: "[...]", // list of the emojis, see source code     },     flags: {         icon: "flag_gb",         title: "Flags",         emoji: "[...]", // list of the emojis, see source code     }, } 


$(".emojionearea").emojioneArea({     filters: {         recent : false, // disable recent         smileys_people: {             icon: 'cat' // change smileys_people filter icon to "cat"         },         animals_nature: {             title: 'Animals' // change animals_nature filter title to "Animals"         },         food_drink: {             emoji: "smiley smile cat" // change emojis of the filter food_drink         },         objects: false, // disable objects filter         symbols: false, // disable symbols filter         flags : false // disable flags filter     } }); 


List of methods

.on(events, handler)

Attach handler for event(s)

  • param events
    Type: String
    One or more space-separated event types

  • param handler
    Type: Function(jQuery Element, Event eventObject [, any extraParameter ] [, ...])
    A function to execute when the event is triggered

  • returns EmojioneArea instance

.off(events[, handler])

Remove previously attached handler (if handler is specified) or all handlers of specified event(s)

  • param events
    Type: String One or more space-separated event types

  • param handler [optional]
    Type: Function(jQuery Element, Event eventObject [, any extraParameter ] [, ... ])
    A handler function previously attached for the event(s) by .on method

  • returns EmojioneArea instance

.trigger(events[, ... ])

Trigger event(s)

  • param events
    Type: String
    One or more space-separated event types

  • params [, ...] [optional]
    Type: any Extra parameters

  • returns Boolean the result of all called handlers


Set emojionearea text

  • param str Type: String
    Set text

  • returns EmojioneArea instance


Get text of emojionearea, there is no any html, just vanilla text

  • returns String


Show picker area

  • returns EmojioneArea instance


Hide picker area

  • returns EmojioneArea instance


Enable emojionearea input area

  • returns EmojioneArea instance


Disable emojionearea input area

  • returns EmojioneArea instance


Focus on emojionearea input area

  • returns EmojioneArea instance

Methods Usage

How to use methods, example:

  var el = $("selector").emojioneArea();   el[0].emojioneArea.on("emojibtn.click", function(btn, event) {     console.log(btn.html());   });      // OR   $("selector2").emojioneArea();   $("selector2")[0].emojioneArea.getText();      // OR   $("selector3").emojioneArea();   $("selector3").data("emojioneArea").showPicker();


List of built-in events:

ready or onLoad

triggers when emojionearea is initialized
Handler type: Function (no params)


triggers when user clicks on emojionearea input or picker
Handler type: Function (editor: jQuery, event: Event)

  • param {jQuery} editor - EmojioneArea input
  • param {Event} event - jQuery Event object


triggers on mousedown of emojionearea input or picker
Handler type: Function (editor: jQuery, event: Event)

  • param {jQuery} editor - EmojioneArea input
  • param {Event} event - jQuery Event object


triggers on mouseup of emojionearea input or picker
Handler type: Function (editor: jQuery, event: Event)

  • param {jQuery} editor - EmojioneArea input
  • param {Event} event - jQuery Event object


triggers on keyup of emojionearea input or picker
Handler type: Function (editor: jQuery, event: Event)

  • param {jQuery} editor - EmojioneArea input
  • param {Event} event - jQuery Event object


triggers on keypress of emojionearea input or picker
Handler type: Function (editor: jQuery, event: Event)

  • param {jQuery} editor - EmojioneArea input
  • param {Event} event - jQuery Event object


triggers on focus of emojionearea input
Handler type: Function (editor: jQuery, event: Event)

  • param {jQuery} editor - EmojioneArea input
  • param {Event} event - jQuery Event object


triggers on blur of emojionearea input
Handler type: Function (editor: jQuery, event: Event)

  • param {jQuery} editor - EmojioneArea input
  • param {Event} event - jQuery Event object


triggers when user has pasted content to input area
Handler type: Function (editor: jQuery, text: String, html: String)

  • param {jQuery} editor - EmojioneArea input
  • param {String} text - pasted vanilla text
  • param {String} html - pasted html content


triggers when input area has resized
Handler type: Function (no params)


triggers when input area has changed
Handler type: Function (no params)


triggers when user clicks on emoji button at the picker area
Handler type: Function (emojibtn: jQuery)

  • param {jQuery} emojibtn - emoji button that user has clicked


triggers when user clicks on show/hide button
Handler type: Function (button: jQuery)

  • param {jQuery} button - show/hide button


triggers when user clicks on tone filter button
Handler type: Function (button: jQuery)

  • param {jQuery} button - tone button that user has clicked


triggers on show picker
Handler type: Function (picker: jQuery)

  • param {jQuery} picker - picker area


triggers when picker has been hidden
Handler type: Function (picker: jQuery)

  • param {jQuery} picker - picker area


triggers on mousedown of emojionearea picker area Handler type: Function (picker: jQuery)

  • param {jQuery} picker - picker area


triggers on mouseup of emojionearea picker area Handler type: Function (picker: jQuery)

  • param {jQuery} picker - picker area


triggers on click of emojionearea picker area Handler type: Function (picker: jQuery)

  • param {jQuery} picker - picker area


triggers on keydown of emojionearea picker area Handler type: Function (picker: jQuery)

  • param {jQuery} picker - picker area


triggers on keypress of emojionearea picker area Handler type: Function (picker: jQuery)

  • param {jQuery} picker - picker area


triggers on focus of picker search area
Handler type: Function (no params)


triggers when user press key on picker search area
Handler type: Function (no params)

Events Usage

There are 2 ways to set events, directly in options via options events.
Note: For events with . (dot) you can set event name with _(dash) instead of . (dot) here.

Example, set events in the options:

$("selector").emojioneArea({   events: {     paste: function (editor, event) {       console.log('event:paste');     },     change: function (editor, event) {       console.log('event:change');     },     emojibtn_click: function (button, event) {       console.log('event:emojibtn.click, emoji=' + button.children().data("name"));     }   } });

Also you can manage events via .on(), .off() and .trigger() methods


  var el = $("selector").emojioneArea();    // attach event handler   el[0].emojioneArea.on("emojibtn.click", function(button, event) {     console.log('event:emojibtn.click, emoji=' + button.children().data("name"));   });   // unset all handlers attached to event   el[0].emojioneArea.off("emojibtn.click");    // like in jQuery you can specify few events separated by space   el[0].emojioneArea.off("focus blur");    // set & unset custom handler   var eventHandler1 = function(button, event) {     console.log('event1');   };   var eventHandler2 = function(button, event) {     console.log('event2');   };   // attach event handlers   el[0].emojioneArea.on("click", eventHandler1);   el[0].emojioneArea.on("click", eventHandler2);   // unset eventHandler1   el[0].emojioneArea.off("click", eventHandler1);


Building EmojiOneArea requires grunt, compass, and sass to be available

For making changes and build project (scss/js):

npm update npm run build 

PRs welcome!!!

FAQ / Troubleshooting

EmojiOne icons are appearing larger than expected

Most likely caused by including some scripts in the wrong order (or perhaps not at all!) Include jQuery, then EmojiOne, then EmojiOneArea scripts

Can I use EmojiOneArea to just display Emoji icons in a div?

EmojiOneArea is intended to be a text editor which supports EmojiOne. If you just want to display Emoji icons, the EmojiOne library already provides everything you need.

Can I add extra buttons into EmojiOneArea, alongside the existing emoji picker icon?

This is not fully supported, but you could respond to the jQuery onLoad event which EmojiOneArea fires once its initialised, and insert your buttons into the DOM at this point see https://github.com/mervick/emojionearea/issues/152

Firefox is not positioning the input caret correctly in EmojiOneArea

This appears to be a long standing FireFox bug, apparently related to contenteditable, the placeholder attribute, and the pseudo :before or :after classes https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1020973

There are various workarounds such as changing placeholder, or adding some padding See https://github.com/mervick/emojionearea/issues/86

Can I modify the position of EmojiOneArea picker?

You can use the pickerPosition option which provides basic control of where the picker appears, in relation to the source input. For more control, you could apply translate CSS to the picker

Known Issues

Internet Explorer focus issues

IE 11 causes EmojiOneArea to hide (and trigger blur event) when the emoji picker scrollbar is clicked There is no current fix for this, although there are a few crude workarounds See https://github.com/mervick/emojionearea/issues/127

EmojiOneArea positioning

There are known issues with positioning the EmojiOneArea picker. It does not currently ensure the picker is entirely visible on small screen devices, or positioned properly when it is invoked from the bottom of a page (it could be clipped) See https://github.com/mervick/emojionearea/issues/131

Browser loads the textcomplete.js from CDN, everytime an EmojiOneArea is instantiated

You can avoid this by explicitly including the textcomplete script into your document. If it already exists, EmojiOneArea will use the preloaded script instead of attempting to load it from CDN for each instance You can also avoid this by disabling autocomplete entirely by setting the autocomplete option to false



EmojiOneArea is released under the MIT license.

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