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DeviceMock.js is a jQuery plugin that can be given Device Frames for any of the elements (div, img , iframe).

Plugins Web




Demo is here.


Import libraries.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="path/to/assets/css/jquery.devicemock.css"> <script src="jquery.js"></script> <!--  v1.5.0〜 --> <script src="path/to/assets/jquery.devicemock.js"></script> 

Your basic markup and JavaScript should look like this.

<div class="selector">    <!-- some contents  (div , img , iframe ...) --> </div>  $('.selector').deviceMock({    type        : 'browser',   // browser , phone , tablet , desktop , laptop    size        : '1x',        // null(1x) , 2x , 3x , 4x , 5x    theme       : 'black' ,    // black , white (if phone or tablet)    orientation : 'portrait' , // landscape , portrait (if phone or tablet)    address     : 'http://example123.com' // show on URL BAR }); 

You can custmize path of asset img dir and css prefix. The following is the default value.

$('.selector').deviceMock({    //・・・・    imgPath     : './jquery.devicemock/img/', // path of asset img dir    cssPrefix   : 'df-'                       // css namespace }); 

Multiple installation example with data attribute.

<!-- browser --> <div style="width:300px;" data-devicemock-type="browser" data-devicemock-size="2x" data-devicemock-theme="" data-devicemock-orientation="" data-devicemock-address="http://example123.com">    <img src="path/to/img.jpg"> </div>  <!-- tablet --> <div data-devicemock-type="tablet" data-devicemock-size="4x" data-devicemock-theme="black" data-devicemock-orientation="landscape" data-devicemock-address="">    <div>       <!-- some inner contents (div , img , iframe ...) -->    </div> </div>  $('[data-devicemock-type]').each(function(i){    var that = this;    var opt  = {};    var object = [                'type',                'size',                'theme',                'orientation',                'address'             ];    for (prop in object) {       var data = $(that).data('dm-'+object[prop]);       if (object.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {          opt[object[prop]] = data;       }    }    $(that).deviceMock(opt); }); 

##Available Options

Parameter Type Default value Description
type string browser Could be
browser, phone, tablet, desktop, or laptop
size string 3x Could be
1x, 2x, 3x, 〜 9x
theme string black only when type is phone or tablet.

Could be
black or white
orientation string portrait only when type is phone or tablet.

Could be
landscape or portrait
address string none only when type is browser.

example : 'http://example.com'
imgPath string ./jquery.devicemock/img/ path of asset img dir

example : './assets/img/'
cssPrefix string df- css namespace

Please refer to the scss file if you want to change.
-> $prefix : '.df-';

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