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Circle Bars is a Jquery plugin which is used to add circular countdown timers or progress bars in your project easily.implemented with css; no canvas, png or jpg sprites messing around.highly customisable with various designed skins.less than 2KB when minified.optimised and production ready code in dist/ folder.SASS support also.



Circle Bars

Circle Bars is a Jquery plugin which is used to add circular countdown timers or progress bars in your project easily.

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demo circlebars gif

  • implemented with css; no canvas, png or jpg sprites messing around.
  • highly customisable with various designed skins.
  • less than 2KB when minified.
  • optimised and production ready code in dist/ folder.
  • SASS support also.
  • CDN provided at unpkg
  • Cross browser functionality

What to include

Include jQuery first and then follow up.

  1. By CDN
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/circle.css"> <script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/circle.js"></script> <!-- Optionally add this to use a skin : --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/skins/whitecircle.css">
  1. By downloading the package
  • first install with npm install circlebars
  • then include these files in your html.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="node-modules/circlebars/dist/circle.css"> <script src="node-modules/circlebars/dist/circle.js"></script> <!-- Optionally add this to use a skin : --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="node-modules/circlebars/dist/skins/whitecircle.css">


<div id="circle-1">     <div class="loader-bg">         <div class="text">00:00:00</div>     </div> </div>  <script>     new Circlebar({         element : "#circle-1"     }); </script>


<div class="circle-2">     <div class="loader-bg">         <div class="text">00:00:00</div>     </div> </div>  <script>     $(".circle-2").Circlebar({ </script>


<div class="circlebar">     <div class="loader-bg">         <div class="text">00:00:00</div>     </div> </div>


Options are provided as attributes 'data-circle-option':

<div id="circle-1" data-circle-dialWidth=10 data-circle-skin="white"></div>

or in the "Circlebar()" call :

$("#circle-1").Circlebar({     maxValue : 20,     fontSize : "14px",     triggerPercentage : true });
  • Note : The inline data attributes will overwrite the properties specified in the Circlebar() call .

The following options are supported :

  • Note : value and maxValue options are common for both (timer and progressbar) but vary slightly in essence to both.

Behaviors :

  • startValue : starting time for timer or initial value of progressbar | default = 0 | integer
  • maxValue : the max time for timer to display or the value till which circlebar progresses | default = 60 | integer
  • counter : the time in which timer increase by 1s | default = 1000 | integer (1000 == 1sec)
  • triggerPercentage : should the circles styling alters according to progress level | default = false | boolean
  • type : type of circlebar can be timer, progress or manual | default = "timer"

UI :

  • dialWidth : the thickness of the circular ring | default = 5 | integer
  • fontSize : the font size of the text in center of circle | default = "20px" | string with unit also ( units can be px, em, rm, % etc.)
  • fontColor : the font color of the text in center of circle | default = "rgb(135, 206, 235)" | string (unit can be HEX, rgb, rgba, hsla, hsv, etc.)
  • skin : the name of the custom skin to include | default = " " | string
  • size : the size of the whole circle bar | default = "150px" | string with unit also ( units can be px, % etc.)

Avaliable skins

All Skins are located in the dist/skins folder. Here are the ones currently avaliable:

To use a skin, first include it as a css file.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="path/to/skins/bluecircle.css">

Then, you can set the custom skin name with the skin option when creating your circebar instance.

$("#circle-1").Circlebar({     skin: "blue" });

Or, as a data attribute when using a DOM element.

<div id="circle-1" data-circle-skin="blue"></div>

To make your own skin, use one of the included ones and edit the css to your specification.


 <div id="circle-1" data-circle-dialWidth=10 data-circle-skin="white">     <div class="loader-bg">       <div class="text">00:00:00</div>     </div> </div>  $("#circle-1").Circlebar({     maxValue : 20,     fontSize : "14px",     triggerPercentage : true,     type: "progress" });


<div class="circlebar" data-circle-startValue=0 data-circle-dialWidth=20 data-circle-size="250px">     <div class="loader-bg">         <div class="text">00:00:00</div>     </div> </div>

Note that you can put any content inside<div class="text"></div> like text, icons, images, etc.

Demo also available at Codepen

Supported browser

Tested on Chrome, Safari, Firefox.

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