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Thumb slider is a tiny and fast jQuery gallery plugin which allows to navigate through a group of images with a thumbnail control.



#Thumb slider plugin#

This jQuery plugin creates an image slider with thumbnail image navigation. Thumb sliders are useful for displaying multiple images in a small space, as in a product detail page.

##Usage / Installation##

Usage of this thumbnail slider plugin entails the usual process:

  1. create the HTML markup
  2. add the JavaScript / jQuery refs
  3. initialize the plugin with any available options
  4. style the markup with CSS as desired.


The HTML markup must have a containing parent element, which can use any ID or class for initialization. The parent element must contain a "slides" element and a "controls" element.

The "slides" element will contain as many "slide" elements as desired, which will contain each individual image: preferably with consistent aspect ratios for fluidity when the images are being switched.

The "controls" element will contain the same number of "control" elements to match the number of "slide" elements, and will trigger the visibility of the "slide" element when clicked.

Optionally, an "active" class can be added to "slide" and "control" element that should be shown on page load. Otherwise, the first slide will be visible.

An example of the thumbnail slider markup is shown below:

<div id="my_thumbnail_slider">     <div class="slides">         <div class="slide active">             <img src="images/sample_image_1.jpg" alt="" />         </div>         <div class="slide">             <img src="images/sample_image_2.jpg" alt="" />         </div>         <div class="slide">             <img src="images/sample_image_3.jpg" alt="" />         </div>         <div class="slide">             <img src="images/sample_image_4.jpg" alt="" />         </div>     </div>     <div class="controls">         <span class="control active">             <img src="images/sample_image_1.jpg" alt="" />         </span>         <span class="control">             <img src="images/sample_image_2.jpg" alt="" />         </span>         <span class="control">             <img src="images/sample_image_3.jpg" alt="" />         </span>         <span class="control">             <img src="images/sample_image_4.jpg" alt="" />         </span>     </div> </div>

###JavaScript / jQuery### Since this plugin utilizes jQuery, we must call it before we can initialize the plugin. Typically, jQuery will go in the of your HTML document. You can use a self-hosted copy of it or use one of several CDN hosted versions.

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <!-- CDN-hosted -->

- OR -

<script src="js/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <!-- path to your JS folder -->

Anywhere under the jQuery ref, add the ref to the plugin. This can be added in the <HEAD> section or anywhere in the <BODY> of the document.

<script src="js/thumbnail_slider.js"></script> <!-- path to your JS folder -->

###Initialize the plugin### Initialize the plugin with the selector of the parent element.

<script type="text/javascript"> /* define $ as jQuery just in case */ ( function( $ ) { 	/* doc ready */ 	$( function( ) 	{ 		$( '#my_thumbnail_slider' ).thumbnail_slider( ); 	}); })( jQuery ); </script>

###Style the plugin with CSS### The demo pages have some basic CSS to add some structure to the page, which can be seen here: http://demo.dockstreetmedia.com/thumbnail_slider/css/main.css. Some of the demos also have some styling for the thumbnail sliders, which can be seen here: http://demo.dockstreetmedia.com/thumbnail_slider/css/thumbnail_slider.css.

You can modify or add your own CSS to match your own preferences.

NOTE: the CSS should work for all modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) and Internet Explorer 8 and later. IE 7 and older, things fall apart. However, if you are still using IE 7, then I'm sorry, but that's your fault.


The demos index can be viewed here:

View the source to see how each thumbnail slider was initialized and styled.

##Learn / Adopt / Fork## The entirety of the plugin is included in this repository, including the demo section. You can easily view all of the code in order to learn more about it. I try to use clear commenting to explain the code.

Also, feel free to adopt and adapt to make it your own. If you like, fork it and send over a pull request. Add or solve existing issues. It is open-source, after all.

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