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faviconize is a super small jQuery plugin that adds favicons to external links on your webpage.



jQuery Faviconize

Faviconize (http://www.babylon-design.com/share/faviconize/)

Author: Samuel Le Morvan (http://www.babylon-design.com/)

A jQuery plugin for displaying a favicon on an external link. Inspired Hyperlink Cues with Favicons of Ask the CSS Guy Ask the CSS Guy (http://www.askthecssguy.com/2006/12/hyperlink_cues_with_favicons.html)


For links like the following:

<ul id="example"> <li><a href="http://www.google.com/">Google</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.yahoo.com/">Yahoo</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.wikipedia.com/">Wikipedia</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.sitesansfavicon.tld/">Site sans favicon</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.msn.com/">MSN</a></li> </ul> 

Display the favicon before each link:

$("ul#example a").faviconize({     position: "before" }); 

Display the favicon after each link, and inlucde an default image for links without a favicon:

$("ul#example a").faviconize({     position: "after",     defaultImage: "external.gif" }); 

Make the favicon images clickable:

$("ul#example a").faviconize({     position: "before",     defaultImage: "external.gif",     linkable: true }); 

Give the favicon image a css class (so you can style it!):

$("ul#example a").faviconize({     position: "before",     defaultImage: "external.gif",     linkable: true,     className: "faviconize" }); 

Use an external default image, and provide exceptsions for certain links. These won't get a favicon displayed:

$("ul#example a").faviconize({     position: "before",     defaultImage: "http://www.babylon-design.com/share/faviconize/external.gif",     className: "faviconize",     linkable: true,     exceptions: ['http://www.msn.com/', 'http://www.ask.com'] }); 

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