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CircleChart is a small jQuery plugin is useful for creating simple pie charts.

Chart_Graph Plugins



a nice and easy to use jQuery plugin for drawing circular charts

(full documentation on my website (english) (german))

default settings

color: "#3459eb", backgroundColor: "#e6e6e6", background: true, speed: 2000, widthRatio: 0.2, value: 66, unit: "percent", counterclockwise: false, size: 110, startAngle: 0, animate: true, backgroundFix: true, lineCap: "round", animation: "easeInOutCubic", text: false, redraw: false, cAngle: 0, textCenter: true, textSize: false, textWeight: "normal", textFamily: "sans-serif", relativeTextSize: 1 / 7, autoCss: true, onDraw: false


$(".circleChart").circleChart({       value: 68,       startAngle: 180,       speed: 3000,       animation: "easeInOutCubic"    });
setInterval(function() {    $(".circleChart").circleChart({       value: Math.random()*100    }); }, 4000);

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