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A tiny jQuery plugin for truncating multiple lines of text.Succinct shortens your text to a specified size, and then adds an ellipsis to the end.

Plugins Text Effect



A tiny jQuery plugin for truncating multiple lines of text

How does it work?

Succinct shortens your text to a specified size, and then adds an ellipsis to the end.


Live Demo: http://micjamking.github.io/succinct/


Specify the elements that you would like to truncate as a selector, and then set the size parameter to the amount you would like to see. For example, if you would like to truncate all elements with a specific class, ie. <p class="truncate"> to 120 characters...

<script>     $(function(){         $('.truncate').succinct({             size: 120         });     }); </script>

By default, the plugin truncates text to 240 characters.

To change the ellipsis to an HTML unicode arrow "→"...

<script>     $(function(){         $('.truncate').succinct({             omission: '&rarr;'         });     }); </script>

By default, the plugin also removes the set of 32 ASCII special characters at the end of words, ie. ! " # $ and so on. To disable this behavior...

<script>     $(function(){         $('.truncate').succinct({             ignore: false         });     }); </script>



MIT license Copyright (c) 2014 Mike King (@micjamking)

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