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React component for uploading files with XMLHTTPRequest v2.

Form React


React XHR Uploader

npm version Build Status

React component for uploading files with XMLHTTPRequest v2

Check full documentation with examples at https://rma-consulting.github.io/react-xhr-uploader

Pull requests are welcome.

How to run/develop locally

Use npm start to run the webpack development server at localhost:8080. Hot module replacement is enabled.

Use npm test to run the tests. Use npm test:tdd to run the tests continuously in watch mode.

Use npm run test:lint to run ESLint checks.

Example express server

You will need a server that would accept post requests for multipart file uploads. Below is a sample express server to test out the examples.

const express = require('express'); const Busboy = require('busboy'); const fs = require('fs');  const port = 3000; const app = express();  app.all('/api/uploadfile', function(req, res, next) {   res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");   res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "X-Requested-With, Content-Type");   next();  });  app.post('/api/uploadfile', (req, res) => {   const busboy = new Busboy({ headers: req.headers }); 	busboy.on('file', function(fieldname, file, filename) { 		let saveTo = __dirname + '/uploads/' + fieldname + '-' + filename + Date.now(); 		file.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(saveTo)); 	}); 	busboy.on('finish', function() { 		res.end('done'); 	});   res.on('close', function() {     req.unpipe(busboy);   }); 	req.pipe(busboy); });  app.listen(port, '', function () {   console.log(`Uploader server listening on port ${port}!`); }); 

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