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Simple React Native Android module to use Android’s WebView inside your app (with experimental html file input support to handle file uploads in forms).

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Simple React Native Android module to use Android's WebView inside your app (with experimental html file input support to handle file uploads in forms).

npm version npm downloads npm licence


npm install react-native-webview-android --save

Add it to your android project

  • In android/setting.gradle
... include ':RNWebView', ':app' project(':RNWebView').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-webview-android/android')
  • In android/app/build.gradle
... dependencies {   ...   compile project(':RNWebView') }
  • Register Module - RN >= 0.29 (in MainApplication.java)
import com.burnweb.rnwebview.RNWebViewPackage;  // <--- import  public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {   ......    @Override   protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {     return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(         new MainReactPackage(),         new RNWebViewPackage()); // <------ add this line to your MainApplication class   }    ......  }

If you need to see the install instructions for older React Native versions look here.


var React = require('react-native'); var { StyleSheet } = React;  var WebViewAndroid = require('react-native-webview-android');  var SITE_URL = "https://www.google.com";  var WebViewAndroidExample = React.createClass({     getInitialState: function() {       return {         url: SITE_URL,         // OR         // you can use a source object like React Native Webview.         // source {uri: string, method: string, headers: object, body: string}, {html: string, baseUrl: string}         // Loads static html or a uri (with optional headers) in the WebView. <Just like React Native's version>         // source: {         //   uri: SITE_URL,         //   headers: {         //     ...         //   },         // },         status: 'No Page Loaded',         backButtonEnabled: false,         forwardButtonEnabled: false,         loading: true,         messageFromWebView: null       };     },     goBack: function() {       // you can use this callback to control web view       this.refs.webViewAndroidSample.goBack();     },     goForward: function() {       this.refs.webViewAndroidSample.goForward();     },     reload: function() {       this.refs.webViewAndroidSample.reload();     },     stopLoading: function() {       // stops the current load       this.refs.webViewAndroidSample.stopLoading();     },     postMessage: function(data) {       // posts a message to web view       this.refs.webViewAndroidSample.postMessage(data);     },     evaluateJavascript: function(data) {       // evaluates javascript directly on the webview instance       this.refs.webViewAndroidSample.evaluateJavascript(data);     },     injectJavaScript: function(script) {       // executes JavaScript immediately in web view       this.refs.webViewAndroidSample.injectJavaScript(script);     },     onShouldStartLoadWithRequest: function(event) {       // currently only url & navigationState are returned in the event.       console.log(event.url);       console.log(event.navigationState);        if (event.url === 'https://www.mywebsiteexample.com/') {         return true;       } else {         return false;       }     },     onNavigationStateChange: function(event) {       console.log(event);        this.setState({         backButtonEnabled: event.canGoBack,         forwardButtonEnabled: event.canGoForward,         url: event.url,         status: event.title,         loading: event.loading       });     },     onMessage: function(event) {       this.setState({         messageFromWebView: event.message       });     },     javascriptToInject: function () {       return `         $(document).ready(function() {           $('a').click(function(event) {             if ($(this).attr('href')) {               var href = $(this).attr('href');               window.webView.postMessage('Link tapped: ' + href);             }           })         })       `     },     render: function() {       return (         <WebViewAndroid           ref="webViewAndroidSample"           javaScriptEnabled={true}           geolocationEnabled={false}           builtInZoomControls={false}           injectedJavaScript={this.javascriptToInject()}           onShouldStartLoadWithRequest={this.onShouldStartLoadWithRequest}           onNavigationStateChange={this.onNavigationStateChange}           onMessage={this.onMessage}           url={SITE_URL} // or use the source(object) attribute...           style={styles.containerWebView} />       );        // other attributes: source(object), html(string), htmlCharset(string), baseUrl(string), injectedJavaScript(string), disableCookies(bool), disablePlugins(bool), userAgent(string)     } });  var styles = StyleSheet.create({   containerWebView: {     flex: 1,   } });

Note about onShouldStartLoadWithRequest

This module has a working implementation of onShouldStartLoadWithRequest. However, the event it returns currently only includes url and navigationState.

Note about HTML file input (files upload)

This module implements an experimental support to handle file input in HTML forms for upload files. It was tested in some Android versions 4.1+, but it's possible that some device won't work OK with that new feature.

File input demo

Tips for Video (HTML5) inside WebView

To work with some html5 video player inside your Webview, I recommend you to set the android:hardwareAccelerated="true" in your AndroidManifest.xml file.

More info here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17259636/enabling-html5-video-playback-in-android-webview



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