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jQuery plugin that lets you show the latest updates from your facebook profile og page.

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Facebook Wall

jQuery plugin that lets you show the latest updates from your facebook profile og page.


The plugin can be seen live here: http://beta.thomasclausen.dk/facebook-wall/


Insert the following code to activate the pluign:

(function($) {     $(document).ready(function(){         $('#facebook_wall').facebook_wall({             id: 'your_id',             access_token: 'your_access_token',             limit: 10         });     }); })(jQuery); 


id: '' - insert your profile og fanpage id access_token: '' - insert your acces token limit: 10 - any amount from 1-15 timeout: 400 - any amount (in miliseconds) speed: 400 - any amount (in miliseconds) effect: 'slide' - choices: 'slide', 'fade' or 'none' locale: 'da_DK' - your contry code avatar_size: 'square' - choices: 'square', 'small', 'normal' or 'large' message_length: 200, // Any amount you like. Above 0 shortens the message length show_guest_entries: true - choices: 'true' or 'false' text_labels: your translations on_complete: execute function when complete 

Get your fanpage id

If your fanpage URL looks like ex. http://www.facebook.com/redbull, you just replace 'www' with 'graph' and you will get the id amongst other informations.

If your fanpage URL looks like ex. http://www.facebook.com/pages/redbull/14226545351, the number at the end of the URL is the id.

Get your profile id

If your profile URL looks like ex. http://www.facebook.com/thomasclausen.dk, you just replace 'www' with 'graph' and you will get the id amongst other informations.

If your profile URL looks like ex. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=565874665, the number at the end of the URL is the id.

Get your acces token

Read the documentation from facebook: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/ or this page: http://neosmart-stream.com/facebook-2/how-to-create-a-facebook-access-token

Create a access_token that doesn't expires after 1 hour: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/howtos/publishing-with-app-token/


I'm self-taught by scattering code across the web, so if you see some bad practices PLEASE contact me, so I can learn from the mistakes I'm making!

Also feel free to contact me if you have som great ideas for improvements.


Credits would be nice, but feel free to use as often as you like.

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