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ZScroll is a lightweight jQuery plugin which append a highly customizable scrollbar to your scrollable container element.




ZScroll is a very easy to implement area scroller using JQuery. Preview here

Note you must include JQuery, and the ZScroll JavaScript file as below:

<!-- JQuery plugin --> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>  <!-- ZScroll Dependancies --> <script src="plugins/ZScroll/ZScroll.js"></script>

To apply to an element, just call .ZScroll() on a JQuery element as below:

// Apply ZScroll to all elements with class '.ZScroll' $(document).ready(function(){ 	$(".ZScroll").ZScroll(); });

You can pass the following options as an object into ZScroll (Values shown are defaults):

// ScrollZoneColor:"#DDDDDD", // ScrollBarColor:"orange", // ScrollBarWidth:5, // ScrollBarHeight:null, // ScrollBarMinHeight:10, // ScrollBarPadding:10, // ScrollBarRadius:10, // ScrollBarUnusedCSS:{"opacity":0.5}, // ScrollBarInUseCSS:{"opacity":1}, // ScrollBarOpacityEasing:300, // ScrollWheelDistance:50, // Active:"auto" // Display:true  // Pass like: $(".ZScroll").ZScroll({ 	ScrollBarColor:"green", 	ScrollBarWidth:10 });

If you have any questions you can contact me on [email protected]

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