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This jQuery plugin creates the box lid effect for navigation menus, and is inspired by Toybox. You can see it in action by hovering your mouse over the menu bar on the left.

Menus Plugins


Box Lid Menu

This jQuery plugin creates the box lid effect for navigation menus, and is inspired by Toybox. Prettier documentation, with a built-in demo, is available here.


First, include the main stylesheet and javascript as follows:

<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='css/box-lid.css'> <script src='js/jquery.box-lid.min.js'></script>

Next, create the following HTML structure:

  <div class='box-lid-menu'>     <div class='box-lid-icon'></div>     <nav>       <!-- NAVIGATION CONTENTS -->     </nav>   </div>   <div class='box-lid'>     <div class='box-lid-content'>       <!-- MAIN CONTENT -->     </div>   </div>

Finally, invoke $('.box-lid-menu').boxLid() where appropriate. The most common usage should be

$(function() {   $('.box-lid-menu').boxLid(); });

You are highly encouraged to style your own navigation menu within the nav element. The demo and the docs currently use sass/box-lid-nav.scss.


There are two ways to configure the menu.


If you use SCSS, simply override the configuration variables before importing sass/box-lid.scss. For example,

$box-lid-background: #ccc; @import 'box-lid';

Refer to the beginning of sass/box-lid.scss for the complete list of configuration variables.


If the above method is not your cup of tea, you can also choose to override the CSS. Unfortunately this method is terribly brittle.

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