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46 JQuery Iframe Plugins

Are you looking for JQuery Iframe Plugins If yes then you are on right place because here we have collected most popular 46 JQuery Iframe Plugins for you. you can choose any of following JQuery Iframe Plugins which suits best to your web based projects, These all are highly rated JQuery Iframe Plugins.

Micro lib (720 bytes gzipped) that provides a simplest way to communicate between windows or iframes.Work with objects/functions defined in another window/iframe.All calls are async. Works great with async/await. .....
Core Java Script

jQuery plugin to make iframes responsive .jQuery Responsinatr solves that issue with dynamic resizing based on the screen size to make the iframes adapt to smartphones, tablets and desktop computers. .....
Plugins Responsive

Flexy is a very light jQuery plugin for responsive iframe,object,embed,video. .....
Plugins Responsive Video_Audio

This library enables the automatic resizing of the height and width of both same and cross domain iFrames to fit the contained content. It provides a range of features to address the most common issues with using iFrames, these in.....
Forms Plugins

Cross-domain responsive iframes: automatically set iframe height to fit iframe content. .....

Unifies the iframe APIs of Youtube, Vimeo and Dailymotion. Build as responsive jQuery UI widget.Features:Play, Pause and Stop commandfor Youtube, Vimeo and Dailymotion Playersupports >=IE8, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, OperaRespons.....
Other API Plugins Video_Audio

A seamless iframe makes it so that visitors are unable to distinguish between content within the iframe and content beside the iframe. Seamless.js is a jQuery library that makes working with iframes easy by doing all the seamless .....

IFrames are commonly used to allow embedding of third-party content. Many popular services, such as YouTube and Facebook, make extensive use of IFrames in their embeddable widgets.On a responsive website, all page components must .....
Plugins Responsive Web

One thing I have always detested about iframes is they are not aware of the dimensions of their content. Setting the width of an iframe is trivial, because you generally know how wide its contents will be. The pain point often com.....

Make a CSS tricks to avoid for scrolling zoom in Google Map iframe & easy to enable by clicking .....
Google Map

The Simple Iframe View jQuery plugin allows you to load several external web contents into the same container using the iframe......

Fluidify is a really small jQuery plugin which makes the Youtube video player (iframe) fully fluid and responsive relative to its parent container......
Responsive Youtube responsive-iframe

A lazy load plugin that allows you to smartly lazy load images, background images, and iframes (e.g. Youtube/Vimeo videos) using Intersection Observer API......
lazy-load responsive-image

iframeActivationListener is a jQuery plugin that enables you to trigger an Activate event when a given iframe element gets focused......

iframeTracker is a jQuery plugin which allows for the tracking of click events on iframes embed in your webpage......

ScrollSync is a jQuery plugin that makes it possible to synchronize horizontal and/or vertical scroll events across multiple scrollable elements (for example: iframes)......
scrolling IFrame

The frameLoader jQuery UI widget is used to handle automatically resizing an iFrame based on the content height of the iFrame......
jQuery-UI IFrame

iFrame.js is an easy jQuery ifame loader plugin that enables you to handle and manage iframe based html contents on the webpage......

vibox is a small iframe lightbox plugin for jQuery which allows you to embed any iframe content (for example: webpages, Youtube/Vimeo videos, etc) into a customizable modal popup......
Modal iframe-lightbox

A very small jQuery responsive iframe plugin which makes the iframe embedded content (typically Youtube, Vimeo videos) fully responsive according to the screen size......
IFrame responsive-iframe

bTabs is a cross-browser jQuery plugin used to open multiple external/internal pages (as iframes) in dynamic, drag & drop Bootstrap tabs......
Bootstrap tabs

Just another jQuery responsive iframe plugin which dynamically resizes the embedded iframes (e.g. Youtube/Vimeo videos) while preserving the aspect ratio you specify......

A super tiny (1kb) jQuery plugin which auto resizes your iframe elements while keeping the regular aspect ratio to fit the current browser size on window load and resize......
IFrame responsive-iframe

Just another jQuery plugin that responsively and dynamically stretches and shrinks an element to fill its parent container while still maintaining the original aspect ratio......
Resize responsive-image responsive-iframe

autoHeight.js is a jQuery plugin that dynamically adjusts the height of an iframe element depending on its content......

WMBox is an ultra-light (~1kb) jQuery plugin which lets you create a responsive modal popup to display external content like Youtube or Vimeo videos......
Modal video-lightbox popup IFrame

The Emoojis jQuery plugin makes it easier to embed an iframe-based Twitter emoji picker into your web application......
emoji emoji-picker

No Scroll Layer is a very lightweight jQuery plugin used to disable mouse scroll events in iframe element, typically used for embedded Google maps......
IFrame Google-Maps

A simple tiny jQuery plugin which lets you create animated, clean-looking, draggable alert/confirm dialog windows, iframe modals and toast-style notification messages......
alert confirm Dialog toast-message iframe-lightbox

js-flex-embed is a jQuery plugin for responsive iframe and image that makes any embedded content as large as possible to fit within their parent container......
responsive-image responsive-iframe

fullscreeneo is an extremely lightweight jQuery plugin that makes iframe element fullscreen and fully responsive for iFrame embedded YouTube and Vimeo videos......
responsive-iframe video-background background-video

iframe-responsify is a super small (~1kb) jQuery plugin that makes iframe embedded content (external webpages, Youtube/Vimeo vidoes) fully responsive to fit within any screen size......

Flexy is a lightweight jQuery plugin designed for responsive, cross-browser website that automatically scales the iframes to make them adapt to any screen size......
IFrame responsive-iframe

Video Embedder is a responsive video embed jQuery plugin which auto resizes iframe embedded videos while preserving the original aspect ratios......
video Youtube responsive-iframe

iframeResizer.js is an extremely lightweight jQuery plugin that auto resizes the iFrame element depending on the size of embedded content......
IFrame responsive-iframe

Responsinatr is a tiny and cross-browser jQuery plugin makes your iFrame content fully responsive while preserving the original aspect radio......
IFrame responsive-iframe

modallink is a simple but fully configurable plugin which enables you to display any external links into a modal popup via iframe......
Modal IFrame

Responsive Instagram is a small jQuery plugin used to make iframe embedded Instagram posts (or Youtube & Vimeo videos) responsive depending on the screen size......
IFrame Responsive

A minimalist jQuery plugin that makes your iFrame element responsive while keeping the aspect ratio by auto adjusting the height and width depending on the screen size.....
IFrame Responsive

A jQuery based iframe activation listener that allows to fire an "Activate" event when you click on an iFrame element......
callback IFrame

FitFrame.js is a cross browser and cross domain jQuery iFrame plugin for responsive web layout that allows you to set the size of the iFrame element to fit the container by using wrap or resize modes......
IFrame Responsive

Quicklook is a tiny jQuery plugin helps you display an animated iframe popup next to the toggle link similar to the Mac OS X lookup......

iframe Auto Height is a simple jQuery plugin to dynamically resize iframes based on content height......

rIframe is a jQuery plugin that automatically resizes the iFrame elements to fit for your responsive web layout......