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A simple tag component with typeahead ⌨️

Install via npm

npm install vue-tag-suggestion
Import and register where you want to use
import vue-tag-suggestion from 'vue-tag-suggestion'  components: {       vue-tag-suggestion     }

tags(Array of objects) - Selected tags

suggestions(Array of objects) - Suggestions

  props:{     tags:{       type:Array,       required:true     },     suggestions:{       type:Array,       required:false,       default:() => {         return[]       }     },     suggestionLength:{       type:Number,       required:false,       default:10     }   }

Note: Every object has to have a name property.


<template>   <div> <tag  :tags="tags" :suggestions="suggestion" :suggestionLength="6"/>   </div> </template>  <script> import tag from "../v-tag-suggestion.js"  export default {   name: "TagInput",   data() {     return {       tags: [         {           name: "hello"         }       ],       suggestions: [         {           name: "This"         },         {           name: "is"         },         {           name: "a"         },         {           name: "new"         },         {           name: "vue"         },         {           name: "tag"         },         {           name: "component"         },         {           name: "which"         },         {           name: "will"         },         {           name: "give"         },         {           name: "auto"         },         {           name: "suggestion"         }       ],       msg: "Welcome to Your Vue.js App"     };   },   components: {     tag   } }; </script>  <!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only --> <style scoped> h1, h2 {   font-weight: normal; } ul {   list-style-type: none;   padding: 0; } li {   display: inline-block;   margin: 0 10px; } a {   color: #42b983; } </style>

#TODO -Dynamic length for auto-suggestions as a prop

  • Separators as a prop

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